When you start playing poker, the idea should be to store as much information as possible to get in tune first with the rules of the game, then with the simpler laws that govern the various disciplines and finally with the slightly more advanced strategies that serve to achieve a profit in the medium and long term.

As we often do, even on this occasion we put ourselves at your service to give you a hand with regards to those that are small ideas to follow when we decide to start playing with a certain continuity.

We play on ranges – never on a single hand

Always remember that when you are about to play a hand, what you are doing represents an action that gives information to our opponents and this happens every time we open, limp, or fold.

If we decide to open from early position, such as Under The Gun or UTG+1, remember that you are representing a strong medium-ranking hand, because playing a shot with a marginal hand, open from an early position, often means giving yourself over to a constant loss of chips in the long and medium term.

This means that if after your opening, you receive a call from one of the Blinds, do not give up immediately if the cards are not the ones you dreamed of.

PokerStars Blog teaches us that the classic example is that of a flop of .

which, after the predictable check from the Blind, should always be cbet, especially if we have completely missed that flop, such as when we opened with a medium pair, such as 8s or 9s.

We don't necessarily have to hit the flop with the cards we opened with: we are representing a strong hand and if our opponent doesn't have an Ace or a King in his hands, he will most likely give us the green light to conquer the pot.

Poker Range Charts: Here’s What You Need to Know

Betting the turn after betting the flop

There are exceptions to this rule, but in general, it will be very profitable to semi-bluff the turn.

This way, you combine the possibility of winning a big pot by making a very strong hand, with the money you make by making your opponent fold the weaker parts of his range.

In most cases, it is rarely wrong to c-bet flush draws, open-ended straight draws, and even gutshot straight draws on the turn.

Try it in your sessions, a correct bet on the turn often closes the hand in your favor, even without having closed any points, it will be surprising to watch our over opponent fold on more than one occasion.

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Want to bluff catch? Try to understand how you are placed, or rather, how the opposite is placed.

When we are about to make a very spectacular but dangerous move such as calling with a weak hand against the aggression of an opponent who has led every street (or who has called every bet of ours), the first question we must resolve is to understand how our opponent got to the river.

In that case we need to resolve the doubt about how much truth there is in his bet and, above all, whether he could have reached the river with nothing and not made any points, which would allow us to go to the showdown with an advantage and be certain of winning the pot.

Bluff Catcher in Poker: Winning with Weak Hands

Slowplay? As little as possible

It can be a huge disaster to slowplay out of position. You need to make sure the pot is growing and that your opponent can't use his position to control the size of the pot.

Your main goal when you flop, say, a set is not to keep your opponent in the hand, but to win as much as possible when your opponent has something he can call with.

Always betting the turn – without losing value

When you double barrel on the turn – meaning you fire off the second bet after betting on the flop – you will usually want to choose a size close to the pot.

You will face the turn with two types of hands: high-value hands and bluffs. Both of these classes of hands benefit from creating large pots. Your opponent's range, on the other hand, will contain many medium-value showdown hands that want a smooth run to showdown. Don't give him that privilege.

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To view and translate the original article – visit this link: https://www.italiapokerclub.com/strategia-tecnica-poker/334330/poker-abc-5-pillole-di-strategia-per-principianti/