It's a very interesting hand between Rampage and Wolfgang. Let's get right into the action. Gonsalves opens with a raise to $300 with Ace-9 suited, which is already the best play the entire hand, sorry to tell you that, but let's continue the action.

Rampage three-bets to King-9 suited; we can display some of the previous ranges here, and you see King-9 suited is not in there. I don't think it's that bad; I think it's fine, especially in these loose games. He for sure has a lot of experience in those, but we're still facing another gun raise and from middle position three-betting this kind of hand is way too loose, but it's not terrible.

Wolfgang then comes in with an interesting four-bet; I think this is just a field play, obviously not the kind of hand you want to be four-betting at all. Even an Ace-2 off is better because, as you can see, if Rampage comes along and a 76 suited or a King-9 suited, you're always going to be dominated here with 10-6 suited. I mean, maybe not from 76 suited, but from Jack-10 suited, from King-10 suited, from Ace-6 suited, so you're putting yourself in a very problematic situation.

So, Rampage now with a call; if they have reads, this is just not a good call, even if the button is four-betting really wide. I think you just want to let go; you're almost bottom of your range. You can peel with a hand like 76 or 65 suited; it performs a lot better against the usually strong range on the button that contains a lot of Aces, Kings, Queens, Ace-King, and 65 suited. These kind of hands are performing a lot better than King-9 suited, but he decides to call.
And we take a flop of , and I think Rampage has some options here; he could potentially lead. He's going to have more sets; he could potentially three-bet all of these Pockets from middle position, which is actually good play, and he's going to have a lot of suited hands, so he's going to have a lot more flush draws.

They have a lot of equity, especially here; it's a hand like Jack-10 of Spades that has a gutshot and can just get the money in on the flop and overall has a lot of high equity hands. Now, he decides to check, which is very standard, and WF Kang checks behind for his range; it's okay, and for his hand, I like the checkback as well.
The turn is a really good card ( ), obviously for Rampage, and I really like the fact that he just leads out here, even though this might not be GTO-approved. He's going to still have a lot of sets; he's still going to have a lot of high equity hands that want to be betting, like Queen-Jack Spades, Jack-10 Spades, that otherwise would have to go for check-raise all-in. So, that's why I like the lead here; obviously, Wolfgang is going to be on Ace-King almost every single time here, and the checkback, and also hands like King-Jack suited, King-Queen off, like all of these hands are quite legitimate to forbit as a bluff. And in these live games, you never know—a 98 suited, a 10-6 suited could be in there; it kind of reminds me of playing micro stakes to be honest, because it's a bit of surprise the kind of hands you're up against.
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Now, Rampage bets out; I like the big sizing. Being greedy is good here; it's very, very important when your opponent hits a card that you think is good for his range. So, when your opponent is going to be an Ace-King a lot, and you have a two pair or a set, you want to bet big. Don't do like a third; Ace-King is never going to be raising; it's a dangerous board. Just bet big, get the money in; there might be like a goofy King-2 of Spades, or you know, you can still have a pot-controlled A8 or A7 that calls at least once.

So, yeah, Rampage bets out; I like this a lot, and we see a river . I mean, this is very unfortunate for Rampage because he maybe puts him on Ace-Jack, Ace-10, Ace-Queen of hearts, Ace-6 of hearts.
It's like five or six flushes, but he's still going to have all the Ace-King combos. So, I think he just has to jam here and just get the cry call from the King-Queen, Ace-King, and especially in those games where we've been seeing insane hero calls lately, like remember the King hand, and here we have top two pair. I think in these games, people are just stickier, loser calling stations.

You can apply a lot of these concepts to micro stakes; just value jam here, get the call from Ace-King, you're going to be called by a worse hand more than 50% of the time for sure. And there could still be like an Ace-9 or 98 suited hero call that decided to pot control because Rampage is going to have a lot still, a lot of bluffs, like the Queen-Jack, the Jack-10 suited, the A8 suited. So, yeah, still a lot of bluffs, and Wolf Kang has an easy snap call.

Alright, wait a minute; he has an easy snap call? What what am I watching? What am I watching?
What what I mean, Rampage is jamming all the King-Nines; he has all the bluffs; he's not blocking any Spades; he could be jamming something like 7-8 if he decides to bluff the turn to get him off a nine. Of course, sometimes he's beat by a set or a full house, but I mean the moment he jams King-Nine, he could have Ace-King against the four-bet, where you dominate all the Ace-Queens and Ace-Jacks and King-Queens. It makes some sense; I don't know if he would do that the way Rampage plays, maybe not.
But this is just a snap call.

I mean, the moment you beat your opponent, your opponent can still have a lot of bluffs in these live games. What the heck am I witnessing here? This is absolute insanity. I'm always a big fan of thinking things through, but these guys have a lot of experience. I think at some point, it's a lot of money, but I think it's pretty normal mistakes for them. But I don't understand why; why would you four-bet 10-6 suited and then you have a flush draw on the turn, and then you river your flush, and then you're thinking about folding? Let me know in the comments if you think that's a nit roll.

I have to give credits to Rampage here; the way he reacts is top-notch, honestly. I would have probably been probably a little bit irritated; this might have tilted me a little bit to be honest. Historic reaction, very good; I know from what I've seen his videos, he likes to punt it off; probably his bankroll management is not the best, and I definitely do disagree with a lot of the things the way he approaches poker. But this is a top-notch reaction to a situation where he should have been very upset. So, you know, have to give respect where respect is due.
And my opinion, Wolfgang here with a very questionable river tank, but definitely a very weird and crazy hand. Or maybe it's just me; maybe I'm just too loose for those games, and I'm I would pay off people way too much. Let me know in the comments, guys, what you think about this spot, and then see you in the next video.