What You Do After a $25 Million Day

Karl Chappe-Gatien won $1.3 million in one session on Triton and reportedly tipped one of the dealers $350,000.

If anyone is complaining about tipping culture these days – it's not that dealer.

But maybe Karl should have hung on to that cash since the rest of the series went poorly for the French crypto millionaire.

Away from the table, he showed us why tipping $350,000 to a dealer isn't rocking the boat.

And a little later, that amount grew to $25 million. Karl noted on Twitter that the day was spent in the gym, the barbershop, and a shooting range (followed by some whiskey that we probably can't afford).

Do you think Karl plays on any crypto-friendly poker sites or is it high-roller live events only for the Frenchman?

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Dwan's Debts: Did We Only See the Tip of the Iceberg?

While Karl Chappe-Gatien was up $25 million in a day, tableside conversations about Tom Dwan talked about $30 million dollar debts.

We just

This huge debt is just a speculation at this point and will probably never be confirmed by Dwan or debtors, but it comes from a trusted source.

Doug Polk spoke candidly about it on his own stream:

A slightly hair-raising conversation about Tom Dwan’s debts between Taras, Doug Polk and Ryan Feldman
byu/itsaride inpoker

We just finished writing about a series of much smaller debts Tom Dwan was accused of. Now, this $30 million deficit is making those look like pocket change.

Get the scoop on Tom Dwan's debt troubles and the surprising decision by ACR Poker to hire him amidst the controversy.


Durrr still denies everything, though not very eloquently. He's denied wrongdoing in video calls with poker reporters, and recently, he hopped on the Nick Vertucci show to do the same thing.

You may get motion sickness from watching the interview. Tom doesn't seem to care at all about presentation or camera angles, which isn't a heinous crime, but it sure is annoying for viewers.

The YouTube comments give a good idea of what to expect:

Peter Jetten, one of the people Dwan is supposed to owe a significant debt to, wasn't thrilled with the video either.

Two days after that tweet, Peter said that Tom Dwan agreed to escrow the cash. Since then, there's been radio silence about it.

Nik "20 Minutes Please" Airball

If you missed it, we wrote about Nik Airballs excessive tank on The Lodge Live Stream. After more than 20 minutes of thinking, pacing, and talking to himself, there's enough audio for an entire podcast.

This wasn't a masterclass in poker skill, but a masterclass in patience from everyone at the table.

But what do you think? Should we put a cap on tanking in live-stream games or just put a cap on Airball's tanks?

On a high-stakes streamed cash game, a player tanked for almost half-an-hour on the river. It was Nik Airball, creating controversy as usual and stirring up discussion.


Is Jason Koon the Most Athletic Poker Player?

We've heard Jason talk about his health before, but we didn't know he was training to this degree. Just look at how he entered the Triton Super High Roller final table recently.

A Bittersweet End to Kevin Martin's Bankroll Streaming Challenge

After three weeks of camera time and almost no privacy, it's no surprise that Kevin Martin was feeling strained.

"This insane environment, this whole project, was so hard. One of the hardest things I've ever done."

Eating, sleeping, showering, and playing poker – all on stream for the world to watch. The Poker From $0 challenge was unique, but after making an average of $3 profit per hour (less than half of the US Federal minimum wage), the results weren't impressive.

In total, Kevin collected $500 of poker profit.

"I just don't think my brain is in a state to play cards."

To his credit, Kevin gave an honest and sobering look at the difficulty of building up a bankroll from nothing. In his words, he just took the L, and was not going to avoid that truth. He critiqued his own play and cautioned others that spinning it up from zero isn't easy.

No Food for 30 Days – A Bet with Shaun Deeb and Rob Kuhn

Were poker side bets not strange or difficult enough? We covered some past bets between players, but Deeb and Rob Kuhn are taking it to a new level.

There was skepticism in the comment section:

– "I’d take Deeb’s side. I think at some point you’d pay 3k for it to be over. If you bet 30k, I’d like your side"

– "Deeb. You may not realize what day 17 is going to feel like."

– "Taking @shaundeeb. Professional body builders do this for cutting weight and after 14 days they are destroyed."

Health is going to be a primary factor, obviously. Rob Kuhn says the he won't proceed if his bloodtests "are shit" and will visit the doctor multiple times a week.

While in Korea, Joseph Cheong was greatly impressed by a local dealer dealing cards with one hand.

– PSA to the thirsty guys: this is a tall dude.