Hustler Casino played the Million Dollar Game for four consecutive days. The first broadcasts did not live up to the expectations of the audience, but the last one, where Tom Dwan played, more than compensated for three dreary days.

The main issue for the audience was that the game was too deep, the participants played $500/$1,000 with a $3,000 ante in the BB, and it was impossible to buy-in for less than $1,000,000. This led to the fact that the players acted unnecessarily restrained. Most ridicule fell on Wesley Flan.

He came to the casino with pathos in a Rolls-Royce and bought in for an impressive $3 million.

Unfortunately, his favorite action was to fold.

All these issues did not prevent the players from playing some big hands.

In the third session, Tony G lost big with aces, and the outcome of the hand infuriated him.


Huss raised to $6,000 with queens in UTG+1, Airball called on the button, Tony squeezed $40,000 in the BB, and both sides called. On the flop Tony bet $40,000, Huss called and Nick raised to $150,000. On the turn, Tony check-folded to a $225,000 bet and got up from his seat:

– This hand stinks. By the way, I had aces. Are you messing around here? I've had enough, I'm done.

– "On your bike!" – Nik saw off Tony with his famous phrase about Ralph Perry.

After some time, Tony returned, played a few more hands, after which he collected chips and left for good. He ended the session with about $200,000 profit, and has won $400,000 throughout his time at Hustler.

A little later in the same session, Rampage forced his opponent to fold a set of queens.


On the Hustler channel, this pot was posted in a separate video with the title "The biggest bluff in the history of TV poker?!?"

Australian Huss played two sessions, won $1.7 million, and became the most profitable player in the Million Dollar Game. But most of all he was remembered for his conflict with Wesley Flan.

On one hand, Flan flopped the flush, checked all the streets, and on the river, he check-called a $30,000 bet.

“Great call, Wesley. I finally put some money in the pot,” Huss applauded him sarcastically. – Perfectly played.

Flan didn't react to this.

“I really want him to suffer emotionally,” Huss did not calm down. “Maybe even physically, although I am against violence."

– And financially? – added fuel to the fire Airball.

– To do this, he must play at least one hand.

Do you want me to suffer physically? Wes broke the silence. – Try. Come on, hit me right here. Idiot.

It all ended with mutual insults and a proposal to go outside to sort things out on the street. The players calmed down only after the intervention of the manager, who suggested that both shut up.

But the truce did not last long.

Huss accompanied every Wesley fold preflop with the comment "Pussy".

– Do you know any other words? Flan asked. Is that how your mother raised you? Maybe that's what she called you as a child? By the way, can you tell me her name?

– If I were you, I would choose my words carefully now, I don’t care about cameras, I won’t leave a living place on you.

Once again, the manager was forced to intervene.

“Let him say what he wants about me,” Huss explained. – But about the mother is over the top.

Huss won over a million in this session alone and another $600,000 the other day.


At its peak, 48,000 viewers watched the stream, but this record fell on the final day. The audience for the final day, featuring Tom Dwan, Doug Polk, and more, peaked at over 50,000.

In the first big pot, Dwan and Polk played for over $1 million.


Before the raise, Doug showed his cards to Wesley.

– Good hand! Flan approved.

“I hope you balance your reaction when you see the neighbors’ cards,” Doug answered and called the 3-bet.

Durrrr c-bet the flop and bet $30,000 to $61,000 on the turn, Polk raised to $150,000. Dwan thought for a long time and called only when the opponent called the clock. On the river, Doug overbet $420,000 into a $291,000 pot.

Dwan again plunged into deep thought:

“It's so weird that you clocked me on the turn. We're playing a 1,000 blind pot, this is the first time I've seen this. It seems like I didn't even think about it for two minutes."

On the river, Tom thought much longer but still called.

“You win,” Polk opened his cards as soon as he heard the call.

– I figured that out myself. I was wondering if it makes sense to shove,” explained Tom.

“Tom won twice as much in one hand as I earned in my entire life on Youtube,” Doug said to the laughter of the entire table.

Polk and Flan then 5-bet the pot with less than obvious hands.


Wesley was the preflop aggressor and made a small continuation bet on the flop, Doug check-called. The turn was checked and on the river, Polk took the pot with a 3/4 pot bet.

“Look,” Doug showed the cards to the entire table. – I'm a real artist.

“You're not an artist,” Wesley shot back. – I have an 8-high.

“You would definitely be an artist if you pushed the river,” Airball joined in the fun.

Doug's good mood did not last long.


Polk 3-bet and barreled three streets post-flop. On the river, Hank thought for a long time and announced all in.

"Wow," Polk shook his head. I don't think I'm capable of such a call.

Doug revealed his cards, but his opponent was not impressed.

“Okay, here's what I'll do,” Doug turned over his cards and shuffled them. – If I open it twice in a row , then I'll call, otherwise, I'll fold. That is, if I open with the first card is an immediate fold if I will call it.

To Hank's incredible delight, the showed.

In the middle of the session, Haralabos Voulgaris joined the game, in the very first hand he was dealt QQ against Rob Yong's AA.


Rob 4-bet pre-flop, the flop was checked, Haralabos bet $50,000, called a bet of $150,000 on the turn, and check-call a $250,000 bet on the river.


Tom 4-bet $100,000 and called a 5-bet $275,000. Post-flop, Durrrr check-called all streets, Flan bet $125,000, $350,000, and shoved for $800,000.

“Another very strange hand,” Tom said on the river. – Doug saw your hand and tried to stop you from 3-betting, but you bet it anyway… It looks like an eight, but it’s impossible to fold. Aces might be too, then I'll look like a fool.

Tom did call and opened .

“Eh ... You just can’t be bluffed,” Wesley was upset.

On the Hustler channel, this hand was posted as a separate half-hour video.

“Wesley played it that way just so we wouldn’t call him a nit anymore,” the viewers in the chat decided.

“If he flipped the aces, you'd be the biggest idiot,” Airball said to Dwan. Doug would release 19 videos on this topic.

“You should know how exhausting this is,” Polk complained.

“Well, of course,” Haralabos did not believe. – I can just see how you sit in front of the camera and say to yourself: “Damn, this is so hard, but you have to try.” It is clear that you yourself enjoy it.

– I like to make content, it turns out with humor, and I'm not afraid to say what I think. But my goal is not to insult or offend anyone, as Galfond tried to suggest. If I think that a person is wrong about something and tell about it with humor, what's wrong with that?

– It is bad only for those to whom your videos are about. Everyone else loves them. Although I haven't thought much about it, maybe you're just a sociopath.

“If you give me the line, I can bet on it,” Tom Dwan asked.

Am I a sociopath or not? Doug stated. “I would bet on that myself. What should be done? Go see a psychiatrist? Seriously, I think people have a right to think I'm an asshole. Yes, sometimes I cross the line and I could be more respectful to the subjects of my videos. But I definitely do not agree that I am considered a bad person and that it gives me pleasure to hurt others.

“So you can’t say anything bad about yourself?” Durrr said.

– It is possible, but it will not be true.

– They also often tell lies about me, and you are one of these people.

– When was this?

– Often.

– Give an example. If you are talking about my videos about your challenge with Jungleman, I am still sure that you should have closed this issue a long time ago. It's just absurd how long your argument lasts.

But you don't know all the details. And he didn’t even try to recognize them, but immediately recorded his videos for the sake of clicks.

“I have discussed this with Jungleman many times."

– Ready to bet money on how much truth is in your videos?

“I agree with Doug here,” Haralobos supported. “You challenged everyone and failed to finish it."

“Do you think I paid him something?”

“Of course, you paid, but obviously not the full amount,” Voulgaris continued the dialogue.

– How much do you think?

I don't even know how much you owe him.

– I didn’t think that we had additional agreements that he himself does not comply with. For example, you knew that I had to agree to a deal that was about minus a million for me on expectation because he did not believe a group of guys, although they were his backers at that time.

– I don't really understand what you mean.

– About his collaboration with the guys from Matchbook. In general, our dispute has too many details. And for the unfinished amount, I already paid him about $1.4 million.

Why is he still unhappy?

Because it's Jungle.

Immediately after this conversation, Cates turned to Dwan with an angry tweet:

“Hey genius, you might want to watch what you say publicly. Do yourself and everyone you owe a favor and win. I don't want to hurt you, but you're making it veryyy enticing."


Jungleman almost immediately deleted this message and wrote a new one:

– Excuse my previous tweet, I misunderstood what someone told me re: Tom Dwan. Still rooting for him to win and his success and hope he does the right things...

– Tom said on the stream that he paid you $ 1.4 million (hinting that he owes nothing more), – Dan was asked in the comments.

– It is not true. The dispute is not yet over, and he did not pay $1.4 million.

Voulgaris also remembered how he himself had been collecting a debt from Dwan for several years.

– You paid out the little things for nine years!

– Because I had $1.6 million frozen on my account in connection with our betting business.

Nothing was frozen.

– Do you want to bet? The bank froze the money, I told you about it and even suggested that you go to the branch yourself.

– Okay, let's not talk about it on the stream. But I wanted to tell you how I took part of the debt. This is a fun story. One day at 3 am I went to Aria, floor asked: “Anyone can contact Tom? He left the chips with us." It was about $300k and you owed me $2 million. I said I'd figure it out. I dialed for you, but you didn’t take it, and I pretended that we were talking ...

– Everything was wrong. I answered right away, and you handed the phone to Floor, and I allowed him to take the chips. Otherwise, they would not have been given to you.

– Do you remember how I got you a betting account, and you started placing bets that had no chance at all to reach? Then I got up to $8 million on this account, but because of you, they didn’t give it to me.

But in the end, you got it all.

Yes, but after eight years!

Wesley Flan was out for a few hours after the fiasco against Dwan, and when he returned, he played another record pot.


Wesley chose the same line as in the first hand – 5-bet preflop and three barrels, with an all-in on the river. Hank thought for a long time on every street, but could not fold it.

At the end of the session, Hank partly bounced back when he was dealt a nut straight to Dwan's low straight.


Tom called a 3-bet, the flop was checked, Tom paid 75% of the pot on the turn, Hank check-shoved on the river, Dwan couldn't fold.

Session summary:
