We found out what poker players use during and after a session, what software had the greatest impact on their game, and helped them become formidable regulars. Bonus – non-poker software and trackers that can be useful for poker players. For example, an app for speed reading.

Almost all the poker software mentioned in the text can be purchased from our store, and some programs are available for free when playing from GT+.

Cash Games

Dima Brdz1 // Afterlife

During the session I use Hand2Note – I need a minimal HUD, plus I use it to mark hands for later analysis.

Outside of sessions, I work in GTO Wizard . This has long been the most convenient solver. Most often, I use it in the simulator mode, but sometimes I fill in the hands manually and try to understand the logic of the machine.

Hand2Note 3
from $0

Innovative poker HUD software for professional players


And the one that influenced me the most was GTO Wizard. First for the worse (the game fell apart), and then for the better, when I understood how to work in it. In general, in my opinion, a solver is now a must when playing from NL100 and above. The main thing is to use it wisely, ideally – hire a coach or ask a knowledgeable friend to explain the nuances of its use.

I almost always recorded my habits and state in the blog, it's already become a habit for me. I also keep tables in Excel, there I can also write down something important ))

GTO Wizard
from $39

Efficient GTO study and practice for most disciplines in your browser


Vitya Largus // khachapuri_blog

Off-session: Solver, Flopzilla, H2N3 and 4.

In-session: Hand2Note 3 + table setting software like Caption.

At one time, Flopzilla helped me form a good basic strategy, and the solver allows me to develop it.

I used to use a timer to take breaks, but now I act based on my feelings. I use a randomizer. I record mistakes and "think about it" situations in notes during the game, and outside the game I pour out my reflections there so that tension doesn't accumulate inside.

Flopzilla and FlopzillaPro: Full Guide + Price

Sergey Delayn // Retreat, but don’t fall

Speaking about training, I use GTO+ ​​and GTO Wizard. I haven't used Flopzilla for a long time, although it can be useful in conjunction with the same GTO+. But Flopzilla does not provide a strategy, this software is more for sharpening understanding based on existing data.

For playing I use exclusively Hand2Note 3, which displays the HUD. H2N4.1 is still a raw and expensive product, and HM2 is simply not a competitor to H2N3 due to its functionality. In some rooms I use assistants like StarsCaption and its analogues, but it is not supported everywhere. And in general, I would not say that such software is mandatory.

To improve the skill, it is best to use a solver (any) in conjunction with a trainer, so that he would prompt the logic at the start, since without information, the results can be interpreted in any way. Then, based on the data received, you can figure it out yourself.

Of the non-poker software, I used only a randomizer, and not always

xatifnaft // Player's hobby diary

In terms of software, I have everything like everyone else – charts in Excel, Hand2Note and a randomizer.

Simple Postflop has influenced my game the most. It's as simple as an axe, you can make maximum simplifications in it. The conclusions are very clear and unambiguous – "we bet this", and "we check this". And it's also convenient that you can manually remove and add combinations (although now I do this in the Wizard). Manual work helps to remember the ranges, then you can see pictures with yellow flowers during the game.

Simple Postflop
from $299

Nash analysis for pre-flop and post-flop situations


About non-poker software. I'm 35 years old, I've tried so many things and I've come to the conclusion that nothing works without internal motivation (like "nothing to eat", "I want to beat everyone and get to NL1k+", "I need to buy a BMW x5").

Routine and discipline work for me. I make a plan for the month. I check it weekly and see how I'm doing.


I keep a weekly schedule in a Google calendar. If I have a table to play at 4:00 PM, I absolutely have to sit down at the table at that time. Work always comes first, then everything else. I also ask the guys to approach our group calls – to show up on time and treat others with respect.

Dmitry timenow // Maza: Offliner

I don't use software, only Hand2Note VPIP and PFR shows to understand whether there is a fish or not at the table.

From non-poker software, I started using trackers – the Whoop bracelet and a ring for assessing my heart rate and sleep rhythm in order to monitor the quality of my recovery and training.

Nikita favorable // Imbecility and courage. nl5

I currently use Poker Tracker 4 and GTO+. In Wizard I only use preflop because I can calculate the spots I'm interested in in GTO+.

In fact, it's not the software itself that helps in the game, but rather the knowledge of the concepts. Personally, I improved the most by watching the content in English.

I don't use non-poker software. I just try not to play tired and warm up a bit before the session (play with the solver).

PokerTracker 4
from $64

The classic all-purpose poker tracker for beginners and professionals


Alexander mRedJohn // Life without rules

GTO+ with correct locks and GTO Wizard gave a boost in cash. And when playing MTT – Holdem Resources Calculator.

I still can’t play without additional software like Caption, which sets up tables, adds sizing buttons, removes the casino, etc. I analyze the game in Holdem Manager 3.

From non-poker software, I use the program "Speed ​​Reading" from Google Play – to train concentration/deconcentration of attention. It is useful for multi-tabling and fast learning. In general, this application is needed for training fast reading, to see the whole page and read whole paragraphs. I try to practice once a day.

I don’t really prepare for the session, I just don’t sit down at the tables if I’m not in an optimal state.

Holdem Manager 3
from $60

A versatile and powerful tool for working with popular poker rooms


Kostya gambler14 // who?

For working on the game, GTO Wizard is more than enough for me, and during sessions there is no better program than Caption, it makes the life of a poker player much easier.


Everything you need for comfortable play on PokerStars, annual license


Dmitry johnny mnemonic // RNG Petruccio

I have it all banal and boring – I use Hand2Note4 and GTO Wizard. At one time, Poker Tracker 4 gave me the biggest boost and helped me a lot in understanding the actions of opponents.

SnG and Spins

Bogdan kidkatka // To play poker by trial and error.

My main tracker for hand analysis is Hand2Note 4, but sometimes I can additionally use Holdem Manager 3, it is very convenient with its filters and more intuitive for beginners.

To analyze hands from final tables I use Holdem Resource Calculator . Previously I used ICMIZER, but at the moment for my current discipline (Mystery Battle Royale) it is inferior.

from $10

An essential tool for pre-flop training and tournament hand analysis


For preflop training I have two trainers – FreeBetRange and Poker IQ. They are similar in functionality and you can choose the one that suits you best. I initially preferred the first one and saved most of my ranges there. I learned about the second one when I switched to a new discipline, and I save all my ranges for it there.

During sessions I use only StarsCaption, I need it for convenient table arrangement (you can also use Jurojin, but Caption is more familiar to me, I've had it for more than three years).

Since my main discipline is single-table tournaments (SNG and MBR), the most important software for me is Holdem Resource Calculator. It is very convenient for both analyzing hands and understanding preflop.

Of the non-poker software, I only use a timer on my phone. Over time, I came to an optimal session length for myself and try not to deviate from it. I am also looking at how AI can be used to work on theory and analyze my game.

Kostya koscience // candidate of sciences safespace

When I played heads-up hypers on PokerStars, I actively used CoffeeCalcs and CardrunnersEV [Ed. – this is very old software, so download at your own risk] . I can say that these two programs formed my poker intuition in hypers and spins, together with the coach I calculated a lot of spots in them.

The coolest part about working with these programs is finding adjustments for specific players and working out boards for different opponent styles. For example, here's what the tree looked like for finding a c-bet range on a drawy board against an amateur. We change the opponent's check-raise range and see how our c-bet range changes. The short version is that we never want to c-bet bare second pairs here.


Soon solvers began to appear, but I was already more cool towards them.

Now when I play, I only use PokerTracker 4.

In terms of non-poker software, I always have the Oura ring and its app with me. It tracks everything possible from health indicators, and can warn you of an impending illness a day or two in advance. For a poker player, it is generally important to track activity, sleep quality, and the body's resistance to external stress. You can do this in other ways, the main thing is to do it.



Jusked // t.me/J means Jusked

Lately I've been using GTO Wizard and the built-in range research function in Hand2Note. And I also have Flopzilla, sometimes I blow the dust off it.

In general, range research in combination with AI solutions GTO Wizard work wonders. Thanks to the user-friendly interface, you can calculate the weak points of the field in just a few clicks.

I also keep a table where I enter the results of my work on the game – the training topic, conclusions and the task for the session after it. This allows me to remember the material better and gives the process a certain systematicity.

Alexander QuantumEnigma // Narcissimo

During the session I use only H2Note, Caption and layouts. I also arrange tables using Caption.

I can't single out any software, I don't work in GTO Wizard, Holdem Resource Calculator is useful, but it's hard to notice any immediate boost from it, rather you just gradually get stronger. In fact, oddly enough, the analysis of the database in H2N helped me the most in the game.

Igor BombaZota13 // From 30 to 100, a second wind

During the game I use Jurojin. And the biggest boost in the game was not the software, but communication with stronger guys from my conference. Holdem Resource Calculator also helped. I also have a premium in Wizard, I can look at a couple of spots once a month, but as a rule I do not need it.

Jurojin Poker
from $9

Multi-Tabling Poker Software & HUD
