Hey everyone, this is Teunuss, Run It Once coach, and I invite you to take me through two hands. I will show the draw and explain the logic of my line, then I will offer several alternatives, and then we will see what the solver advises.


I 3-bet with KQo – sometimes it's a 3-bet, sometimes it's a call. I reraise to $115. Villain calls.

Flop ($235):

I figured I could c-bet half the pot with my entire range on this texture because I have a huge advantage.

I bet $120. Villain calls.

Turn ($476):

A second flush draw appears on the board. During the game, I decided that although we do not have the best hand to barrel, the advantage in range strength still allows us to continue pressure with some frequency, about 50 to 50. I determined my preferred sizing to be 75% of the pot and bet $355. Villain called again.

River ($1,186, effective stack $461):

With such a low SPR, I figured I should always bet all-in. I saw no reason to use this hand to check-call a shove.

In general, an extremely simple line: bet-bet-bet with a mix on the turn. Now choose:

A. Tunuss Line is GTO! (flop – always continuation bet, turn – mix in half, river – push)

B. Turn – mix 20 to 80, flop and river always bet.

C. Flop and turn – betting with low frequency (35%), river – how it was played

D. The flop is a 50-50 mix, the turn is always checked.

Think a little, and then we'll see what the solver says.

Our flop strategy:


It turns out that we don't have a 100% continuation bet on this board, and our particular hand (heart and spade) is 50-50. It's much better to have clubs and diamonds to block floats and straight draws.

Villain should float fairly wide. I think in practice people go overboard with folds here. For example, with , the solver in most cases goes to check the turn, in about half of the cases it drags , and so on.



We see that KQo in almost all cases plays for a check. The exception is the best version of this hand, i.e. diamond-club. Correct sizing with texture is really 75% of the pot. Our hand is completely unsuitable for the second barrel, despite the fact that we still have a range advantage. It is also interesting to note that in our strategy on such a board, there is an overbet of 1.8 pots, which is done, for example, with pocket nines to queens. I definitely learned something new from this simulation!



The king is a good card, and in most cases, the solver pushes the rest of the stack with it. So we were correct with the last action, but we didn’t master the nuances on the flop and turn.

The correct answer is D. After our c-bet, Villain's range has already improved a lot, so for the second barrel on the turn, we need to be meticulous in choosing hands with perfect suits.


The button raises, the small blind folds, we 3-bet $95 (preflop mixed decision), and Villain calls.

Flop ($195):

On this texture, we should have two sizings, a large and a small, and with this hand, we definitely want to bet a lot. I bet $180. With this bet, we force the best versions of a hand like ours to fold, and on many turns, we will be able to bet-call or shove.

Villain calls.

Turn ($555):

The strategy on the turn, as it seemed to me, should consist of a mix of all-in and a half-pot bet. Many will call our all-in and maybe some other hands like ace flush draws, and so on. Probably even 76s should cling to the pot with some frequency. On the other hand, half a pot on a good card for our range looks pretty logical. During the hand, I could not choose and bet on the mix 50/50. Half of the pot – $ 287. The opponent called.

River ($1,130, $437 effective stack):

Given our line and two calls from Villain (many stronger hands he should have shoved on the turn), this is a very easy value shove.

Now we choose.

A. Tunuss line – GTO (big sizing on the flop, mix of two sizings on the turn, shove on the river).

Q. The flop is always a small bet, turn check.

C. Big bet on the flop, mix between check and block bet on the turn.

D. Big bet on the flop, the turn is always all-in.




We see a lot of big bets and a few small bets. Almost all Q9s are in a range that bets big, and even Q9s without a backdoor flush draw bets big, more than 60% of the time. Interestingly, we have almost no checks on this texture. It's a little unusual to see a nearly 100% continuation bet dominated by large sizing.

Villain should call about 50% of the time.




We have a lot of options on the turn. There are checks, block bets, and pushes, but the half-pot rate is mostly applied. Q9s mixes about 50/50 between all-in and half the pot. Looks like I got the hang of things here! Sorry for the spoiler.

Here, in case you're wondering, are the hands that prefer blocking sizing:


Top set – obviously, we don't want to knock out hands that don't have outs against us. Jacks, good – is also quite logical.

Our all-in opponent should show with all and, as I said, with a small part of 76s, 65s, 54s. will also always call. In general, weaker hands are bound to call us quite often.

With a half-pot bet, we leave all pairs in play. With AQs, AQo, KQs and QJs, Villain should bet all-in.



Didn't expect us to have any checks here, but overall Q9s are close to a 100% all-in. We don't get beaten by very many hands, and any ten, as well as a number of weaker pairs, is still bound to call us.


Our bluffs here are no pairs and A4s.

The correct answer is A.

Oh yes, I forgot to show the results.


Here the opponent played perfectly, but he did not have difficult decisions either.


And here Villain has to fold the turn 100% of the time – paying 3/4 of the pot with a flush draw and two weak overcards is pretty uncomfortable.