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Telegram channel
The best telegram channel about poker
Training materials from professionals, new poker rooms, and the latest news.
€25 Gift
Bonus for RedStar players
Instant €25 bonus for the first deposit. No wager.
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Are you a streamer or influencer? Become a partner and earn with us!
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We, Gipsyteam, CJSC (hereinafter "Gipsyteam") guarantee the confidentiality of the information we collect. The processing of your personal data is made for the purpose of effective execution of orders, contracts and other obligations undertaken by Gipsyteam on your behalf.

You confirm your consent to processing of your personal data (information) by Gipsyteam: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, amendment), use, transfer, including for the purposes of registration of software in your name as described in the "Privacy Policy of Personal Data", blocking, depersonalization, destruction. You also agree that we may transfer your personal data to third parties for our internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis and research aimed at improving the products and services of Gipsyteam as well as the way we communicate with our users.

It is hereby specifically stated that if it is necessary to provide your personal data to the right holder, distributor or reseller of the software in order to register the software in your name, you consent to the transfer of your personal data and Gipsyteam guarantees that the right holder, distributor or reseller of the software will protect your personal data in the same manner as described in the Privacy Policy of Personal Data.

This consent covers the following your personal data (information): name, surname and patronymic, e-mail address, postal address for order delivery, contact phone number, payment details.

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