In November 2024g I saw the action "Series freerolls KK Legend $18K GTD" in this room in a telegram channel and applied for registration (I live in Russia), a day later I was sent a login and password. Although it is a mobile application, they have a version for PC, downloaded, installed, logged in, immediately I was given a ticket for a spin of 10 cents, then passed identity verification (sent a photo of my passport and registration), still gave a ticket for a spin of 10 cents. But my main goal was to fulfill the conditions for freerolls (For getting into the top 100 player gets 1 point. It is necessary to get at least 2 points per day to get a cash award: 2 points = $10, 3 points = $100, 4 points = $1,000). It was not without some difficulty and luck that I managed to fulfill this. Yes, then credited me with that money (I won't say how much)). And so I started playing there without making a deposit. Got a vip-card with cashback, built-in HUD and scrolling of all cards (analog bunnies). Then there was a Christmas mission with gaining experience points (rake) and getting Christmas boxes with Christmas toys, also got a lot of toys, but lost a lot (I played hold'em cash NL5-10 and spins up to 3$). But unfortunately did not get anything for these toys. Now while in this room I play freerolls with a guarantee of 100$ on the method of push on preflop with A high or pocket pair and in case of loss (starting stack there 30bbb) do re-entry on 100bbb for 10 cents and then 15min after the start of the tournament addon for 20 cents for another 100bbb and play only premium hands, it allows you to get into ITM more than 50% of freerolls played and get tickets from 1 to 10$ for regular tournaments. Pros - Weak opponents, there is a PC client, the game is available at any time of the day. Cons - No direct cashier (for Russia, probably).
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