You can argue for a long time about how online poker differs from the offline version, but the ability to use statistics and analyze your own hands is a huge plus. As soon as the world learned about programs that bring key indicators directly to the table, this news shocked the poker community.
It’s no longer necessary to play 1-2 tables so that you can keep an eye on your opponents.
Then, the policy of some poker rooms changed – and trackers began to be banned. But in any case, you can still use them to analyze hands. We think you’ll benefit from knowing about WWSF in poker, so we’ve written this guide.
You will learn what this indicator is and what other stats you need to use for decision making and analytics. We will discuss the best programs for collecting statistics later on in the article.

What is WWSF?
The WWSF statistic is one of the key factors that demonstrates how well or poorly a particular opponent plays postflop.
WWSF stands for Won When Saw Flop, meaning, won the hand after seeing the flop. For example, this does not include all-ins and shoves preflop that were not called since they didn’t go to the flop.
Another key stat is W$WSF. This is a more specific indicator – won money when saw flop.
As a first, you can pay attention to the “bare” value. The higher it is, the better your opponent performs postflop.
There are several other patterns to watch for:
- Most players have WWSF in the range of 44% to 53%.
- A good WWSF stat of more than 48% indicates that you have a really smart opponent who understands poker.
- Good WWSF between 43% and 47% indicates that it is a regular. He does not always take hands to showdown, preferring to win aggressively when possible.
- 50%+ can only be found to a greater extent at micro-stakes, where some poker players take a straightforward approach, and it works.

Other Indicators in Poker Trackers
Poker is too complex to get an ideal picture based on one indicator. They are often studied together, in groups. But even this approach does not always make it clear what kind of opponent he is, although you can still draw some conclusions.
Aside from WWSF, these stats can be informative:
- WTSD – Went to showdown. The indicator demonstrates how unyielding your opponent is. If the WWSF is also high, the opponent is damn dangerous.
- WonSD is the percentage of hands won at showdown. It may change your mind about a third barrel or calling an overbet.

Heads-up displays can operate in some poker rooms – but not all. Here are a few rooms where HUDs are accepted.
The Best Programs for Collecting Statistics
Poker players often think about how to increase this or that indicator or, for example, the red line. Usually, this starts with a detailed analysis of the your hands, which finds weaknesses and allows you to work on them.
These programs are available from the GT Shop, often with free trials to get you started, and the best prices if you feel like a longer subscription.
Despite the rather cumbersome interface and, in some cases, slow performance, poker players were loyal to the HM line of products. After several weeks of use, you get used to the software, and a lot of possibilities really open up.

However, in HM3, the developers changed their approach. Now it is not enough to buy a one-time key; you will have to pay a monthly fee for the opportunity to update and communicate with support.
Initially, PokerTracker was the main competitor to Holdem Manager. However, even at the time of the release of the third version, it became clear that HM had pulled far ahead. Today the situation has not changed. PokerTracker's top management's attempts to regain its audience. Especially against for a new player on the market – Hand2Note is gradually becoming the number one software.
At the time of publication of the article, the third version of H2N is being distributed. However, testing of the fourth version is already in full swing, and there will not be even more features.

Even Hand2Note's basic subscription costs more than its competitors. But the program can be used without time or limits. The trial is suitable for familiarizing yourself with the main features and interface. It displays a static HUD, while the paid version displays a dynamic HUD.
First Poker Steps: Where Do You Start?
Now that you don’t have the question, “What is wwsf in poker?”- what is your next step?
If you are looking for universal tips on how to win at poker, you will be disappointed – there are none. There are basic approaches that you need to try and adapt to your personality and current gaps.
Working with poker tools could elevate your game from casual to strategic, especially if you find your leaks with one of the HUD tools we mentioned.
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